Nice German dictionary application. It is comprehensive, but as a learner I would like to see more examples of how words are used in the language. For example, multiple definitions are given for the English word "pathetic"; such as, pathetisch and traurig. They are both adjectives, but unless you know that traurig means "sad" you may use the word in the wrong context. I guess they both reflect a negative mood state and thats why they are grouped together, but examples of their use would be helpful.
Another note... I really appreciate the colloquial language (Ausdruecken) that has been integrated into the App. It would be great to have more information on the origins of these expressions. Understanding some of the statements can be mind-bending; an example being "Mach mal Dampf" which is supposed to be equivalent to "pull your finger out"????
Ty15951 about Ultralingua German-English, v1.4.1